So we got home from taking Kaydee to preschool and all of a sudden I got the feeling that we just need to start potty training right now, this minute. My initial idea was to wait until the hubs got home from NCOA in a couple of weeks and find a 4-day window where we didn't have much on the schedule.

Ah, screw it! Let's git r done! So I pulled out the undies that Nolan has gotten to wear around the house every now and then that usually resulted in an accident. I've been asking lots of parents how to potty train a boy since everyone says it's so much different than girls. I also did a little research of my own. I came across a blog called Mom Diggity and she created a potty chart. I loved the idea! Stickers and a prize after 9 successful potties.

I stayed close to Nolan all morning knowing he'd have his morning poo at some point. We went over several times where to go potty and what to do if he needs to go. In the middle of playing, Nolan says, "Poo-poo." I checked that he wasn't going at that moment and rushed him off to the toilet. We have a little potty but I decided this time around with the second child to try and use the big potty as much as possible. (The stench of poo doesn't quite do it for me, especially in a potty with no water...No thank you!) He started going poo and he was so excited, he started squirming around to look and see if he was doing it right, lol. I had to keep reminding him that we'll look when we're all done. Got a little tinkle out of him too! I showed him the potty chart and told him to pick 2 stickers since he went tinkle AND poo. He loved it! I also gave him 6 M&M's as an instant treat for going. 

Then off we go to pick Sissy up from school and he potties his pants once we get to her room. Thank goodness I packed backup clothes that morning (since I normally never do.) Later that afternoon, he didn't want to wear a pull-up for nap time. I was nervous about the idea but put down a potty mat to go over the sheets just in case. He woke up and I immediately rushed in thinking he'd be covered in pee. Much to my surprise he was DRY! How amazing! I tried getting him to go potty after nap time but he had a hard time going. I thought maybe he wanted privacy so I closed the door a bit. He got a few beads of pee out and I thought he actually peed. Five minutes later at snack time, he left a puddle for me. 

So there I am thinking, "Oh, boy. This is not going good." But I wasn't throwing the towel in yet. We tried again before dinner and he went! Yay! It made me so happy and proud of him! AND he did it again before bed so we'll see how tomorrow goes!

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    About Renee A.

    Stay-home mom of two and married to the Air Force who enjoys finding natural home solutions, learning about parenting, and a desire to craft!


    March 2013

